at the highest level

About Us

Šmehýl, law office, was found by Mgr. Peter Šmehýl in 2008. Since its founding the office has grown into a qualified team of attorneys, who provide legal services in almost every field of law.

The aim of our law office is to provide our clients with legal services at the highest level.We consider it natural to keep our approach to our clients friendly,

open and welcoming, so that the attorney is the client's partner and professional support while the client carries out his business transactions or deals with his personal matters.We create conditions, so that our clients can achieve their goals and enforce and defend their claims. We fully adjust our services to the individuality and needs of each of our clients.

Mgr. Peter Šmehýl

Mgr. Peter Šmehýl

   +420 608 941 992
Mgr, Peter Smehyl is an attorney since 2008. In the year 2003 he graduated from the Faculty of Law at Komenského University in Bratislava. Since then he practices law in Czech Republic. During his practice he acquired rewarding experience in providing legal services to international companies, but also national companies, small businessmen and clients looking to solve issues in their everyday life. He specialises in law of real property, law of obligation, judicial proceeding, civil or arbitrary, investment and development projects. He speaks fluent Czech, Slovak and English.

§ Law Services

ikona služby

Recovery of debts

We provide complex advisory services in the field of recovery of debts, including recovery of debts in case of insolvency of the debtor. In the field of recovery of debts we specialize in:

  • both judicial and extrajudicial recovery of debts;
  • execution of decisions and executory proceedings;
  • law of insolvency
ikona služby

Collective investing and capital markets

We provide complex advisory services to both private and corporate investors in administration, structuring and protection of their investments and tax optimisation, especially with focus on collective investing structures.

ikona služby

Law of real property

  • Poskytujeme komplexní služby při dispozicích s nemovitým majetkem, zejména:
  • právní prověrku stavu nabývaných nemovitostí (due diligence);
  • zajištění technické prověrky stavu nabývaných nemovitostíve spolupráci s naším externím expertem;
  • zpracování smluvní dokumentace při dispozicích s nemovitým majetkem (koupě, prodej, nájem, věcná práva k cizím věcem), vč. služeb souvisejících s financováním koupě a zajištěním závazků;
  • zastupování v řízení před katastrálními úřady, stavebními úřady, soudy apod.;
  • zajištění služeb znalce, či daňového poradce.
ikona služby

Mergers and acquisitions

We provide complex services in the field of mergers and acquisitions, especially:

  • consulting in various types of transformations of trading companies, including multiple-side cross mergers;
  • preparation and consulting of documents connected to respective form of transformation, including arrangement of an expert, audit, general meetings and registration into commercial registry;
  • pre-acquisition consulting and due diligence.
ikona služby

Business obligations and corporate law

Our office provides complex advisory services to both private and corporate investors in administration, structuring and protection of their investments. We provide advisory services especially in these fields:

  • founding of trading corporations, including drafting of foundation deeds and securing of necessary business licences;
  • consulting related to reconciliation of corporate documentation with new legislation;
  • optimisation of way of governance and administration of stock corporations, organisation and holding of general meetings, and other services in the field of corporate governance;
  • alteration of capital stock;
  • disposing of an establishment;
  • dissolution and liquidation of trading corporations;
  • business relation of obligations;
  • administration and recovery of debts.

GDPR – protection of personal data

The purpose of processing of personal data explains the reason, why we process your personal data. We process your personal data exclusively and only for the specific reason, which is the fulfilment of our lawful or contractual duty, or enforcement of fulfilment of third persons' obligations including you or exercising rights against third persons including you.

Protection of personal data

Request of the data subject


Acquisition of building lots

In 2017 we provided legal services to a major Prague developer in connection with acquisition of building lots located in one of the prestigious Prague cadastral areas, and that for development of flats. The transaction exceeded the amount of CZK 100 million.

Transformations of clients and mergers

During 2016 and 2017 we carried out several transformations of clients, including a merger of project companies (SPV) together with funds of qualified investors (with the value of assets of the defunct SPV in the amount of CZK 100 million).

Purchase of interests

n 2016 our law office represented a client in the purchase of 50% interest in a significant Czech developer; the value of the transaction in this case reached the amount of CZK 250 million.

Issue of private debenture

In 2015 our law office provided legal and administration services in the issue of private debenture in total value of CZK 600 million.

Alteration of shareholder structure of a fund

In 2014 we, besides other things, provided legal aid in connection with alteration of shareholder structure of a collective investing fund, including the settlement of the deal, as well as the issue of company's debenture by our client in total amount of CZK 35 million.

Redefinition of corporate structure

In 2013 we, besides other things, took part in transformation and redefinition of corporate structure of our client, as well as consolidation of his loan financing. In the same year we finished preparation of complete documentation to residential development project of our client located in Prague 9, with which we began in 2011 and which included, besides other things, comprehensive legal services in connection with loan financing, preparation of construction site, including legal services related to preparation of contract for work for the construction of the residential building, as well as complete sales documentation.

Purchase of administrative buildings

In 2012 our legal office represented a client in purchase of several administrative building in the value of 206 millions. Counselling provided by our legal office in this case related to acquisition of real property and its financing.

Acquisition, contractual documentation

In 2011 our legal office provided investors with legal services required for purchase and financing of a portfolio of 35 administrative or other buildings located mostly in district cities over all Czech Republic. Even in this transaction our legal office provided legal services in pre-contractual phase (due diligence), counselling regarding the acquisition itself, preparation of contractual documentation related to bank financing of parts of the investment, as well as during the subsequent merger into a collective investing fund for the purpose of optimisation of owner structure of the client. We continue to provide legal services to this collective investing fund to this day in fields of corporate law, loan financing, as well as legal services related to ownership of the portfolio of real property, administration and use of the real property.

Merger for the purpose of optimising of owner structure of client

In 2008 our legal office represented a significant client in carrying out of a purchase of integrated portfolio of administrative and other building located in various, mainly regional, cities over all Czech Republic, where the total value of the investment was in amount of CZK 2,2 billion. Our legal office provided legal services both in the acquisition itself and contractual documentation regarding bank financing of a part of the investment, as well as during the subsequent merger for the purpose of optimisation of owner structure of the client. The counselling included also due diligence of the subject matter of this acquisition. We currently still provide this client with our legal services related to ownership of the portfolio of real property, administration and use of the real property.


Polská 1282/16
120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Česká republika

IČ: 088 04 583
Zápis v OR: Městský soud v Praze, sp. zn. C325686
T: +420 608 941 992